Status of the revision of the EU Cosmetics Regulation

March 11, 2024. As anticipated, the Green Deal and the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability triggered a targeted revision of the EU Cosmetics Regulation. Consequently, an impact assessment and a public consultation took place. According to the original roadmap, the European Commission should have adopted the revision proposal in the fourth quarter of 2022. To date, the proposal has not been released yet. So, what is the current situation?

At the 8th Annual Congress on Regulations and Compliance for Cosmetics (CRCC) held by ERPA in Brussels, the European Commission confirmed that the proposal is delayed due to ongoing political discussions on some matters. Moreover, considering the upcoming European elections in June, it will be the new Parliament in charge of the revision dossier once the proposal is out, leading to further delays. At this point, there is no clear timeline, and we might have to wait until 2027 or 2028 for the adoption of the targeted revision of the EU Cosmetics Regulation. In the meantime, the European Commission and Parliament priorities might change, affecting the revision of the EU Cosmetics Regulation.

Elements of the targeted revision

Even though the European Commission proposal for a target revision has not been published yet, we already know what topics will be included. Among them, there are the following:

  • Strengthened customs enforcement by linking the CPNP with customs IT systems. It will allow an automatic check on cosmetics imported within the European Union.
  • General ban on endocrine disruptors category 1, according to the system established for CMR substances category 1 in Article 15. Additionally, specific provisions on respiratory sensitizers of category 1 and STOTS (Specific Target Organ Toxicity).
  • Inclusion of digital labelling.
  • Reallocation of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) within ECHA.
  • Adaptation of the EU Cosmetics Regulation to the Lisbon Treaty, allowing the European Commission to adopt delegated and implementing acts in place of the comitology procedure.

Nevertheless, we have to wait until the proposal for revision is out to make a more detailed analysis.

Do you want to know how to comply with the EU legislation on cosmetic products? Send us your questions here.

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